Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Return


I'm back "home".

I'm really trying to be excited. I was very excited to see my brother and sis in law, and my Nephew Alex. He's great. So cute. So fun. So stubborn. Haha. I guess it's in our genes. This time in S. Carolina will be good for the re-adjustment to American culture.

See. Alex already loves his auntie.

Went to the airport on Sat with friends. It was really hard, but God kept my spirits up well enough. I didn't start crying until the middle of the night on the plane. I went in the airplane bathroom and lost it. Then was fine, until the next flight where I sat next to some family where Tiana and I swear we saw the father on some TV show (we were flying from LA). Tiana was in the seat in front of me, so I couldn't really talk to her. I started looking at some pictures of friends from NZ and got to about the second picture and I cried like a little girl for the whole flight. Good thing I had the window seat and the little girl next to me was asleep for most of the flight. I had a real good silent talk/argue/prayer time with God and by the time we were leaving the plane I was well enough. Geez. Who knew that a year abroad could have such a huge impact on my life? I'll never forget just looking back and seeing everyone waving goodbye. Some with smiles. Some with quietness. And everytime I looked back, they were still there. It was almost too much to handle. I can only imagine that the only reason I didn't break down and cry was because of God. It's such a vivid picture in my mind and it keeps replaying over and over like some scene from a movie.

I love New Zealand. I love my friends. I love CBC.

I miss it all very much.

But I love God even more and I go where He wants me to go. Right now I'm supposed to be back in America. And though I'm a little sad and wake up crying in the mornings, I'll be fine. It's good to be with family again. It's good to be back in America too, though it is quite an adjustment after living in New Zealand for a year. But most importantly, it's good to be doing what God wants me to do.

To his glory and honor.


  1. WOOHOOO!!! I'm so glad that you're back. I remember my plane ride back from was so hard. I can't imagine being there for a year! I love you!

  2. Ah Cara, Life is hard sometimes (especially when you have to leave good times). Thanks for your reminder about following God.

    Also, Alex is so cute! It's good to back in America (even if it's the South).
