Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Today: Sometimes it's Best Explained in a Narrative.

In this world many people will let you down. They will try to manipulate you and disparage you. They will deceive you and rejoice in their triumphs. The Evil One will use these situations and even initiate many of them to shake you from your foundation.

You lash out in frustration.
And you are cut down.

You're battered at all sides from voices that whisper uselessness into your ear. The pain is unbearable, the fear unimaginable. Despair hovers near and you are unsure. What hope can there be when even the good ones are sometimes bad? But will you listen this time? Will you give in to the lies again? Or will you take this time to really grab hold of the Lord and cling to his Truth?

You are not worthless.
You can be used by God.
He loves you.

He loves You. Seek his will and his favor. Not man's.


You can no longer hold onto the hatred. You can no longer hold on to the bitterness. You proclaim, "Take my life. Take my mind. Take my soul. Take my will. Cause I am Yours and I give it all to You!"

Desiring to please the Lord, you rise from the ashes and stand firm. The Lord is your rock and with him, you are unmoving. Unwavering in trust. Bold in proclaiming it. You've been cut deeply by those who may not even realize the depth of their affliction upon you, those that you love, but... You search deep within the Holy Spirit and find what you need most.

And Mercy flows abundantly.

Your sight clears and your wounds begin to heal.
God whispers "patience" and "trust" to you. And you take his hand and let him lead you again.

1 comment:

  1. Christ is made strong in my weakness.
    God loves you just as you are..
    but He loves you to much to leave you they way you are...
    God is like that
