I've been following an organization called Women at Risk International who try to rescue women and children from the sex trade industry all over the world. They help the women in so many ways, including counseling, bringing them to a safe house, and training them various trades so they can make a living, and reaching out with the gospel of Christ. The stuff that these women and children are going through all over the world is appalling, and disgusting, and heart-shattering. The fact that people are so eager to sleep with prostitutes and abuse children and treat them in such a horrendous way is overwhelming to me. The fact that some many people are kidnapped and used at big sporting events including the Superbowl is crazy. And the fact that there are so many sex slave trading strongholds even in America is horrific.
Well, anyway, today at the Women at Risk facebook page, they posted this article about the devastating truth behind the porn industry, siting a webpage of a former porn actress, Shelley Lubben, who has since come to know Christ, gone through massive counseling and had help in dealing with the trauma of the sex industry. Since 2002 she has been reaching out to others in the porn industry and people who struggle with porn-addiction, showing them the true effects of the industry and sharing Christ with them. Here website and the stats below can be found here: http://www.shelleylubben.com/
Porn Industry Statistics ( www.shelleylubben.com/)
36 porn stars died that we know of from HIV, suicide, homicide and drugs between 2007 and 2010.
66% of porn performers have Herpes, a non-curable disease.
2,396 cases of Chlamydia and 1,389 cases of Gonorrhea reported among performers since 2004.
Over 100 straight and gay performers died from AIDS.
26 cases of HIV reported by Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation (AIM), since 2004.
70% of sexually transmitted infections in the porn industry occur in females according to County of Los Angeles Public Health.
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea among performers is 10x greater than that of LA County 20-24 year olds.
The largest group viewing online pornography is ages 12 to 17.
More than 11 million teens regularly view porn online.
There are 4.2 million pornographic websites, 420 million pornographic web pages, and 68 million daily search engine requests.
50% of men and 20% of women in the church regularly view porn.
Of 1351 pastors surveyed, 54% had viewed Internet pornography within the last year.
Of all known child abuse domains, 48 percent are housed in the United States.
At the 2003 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, a gathering of the nation’s divorce lawyers, attendees revealed that 58% of their divorces were a result of a spouse looking at excessive amounts of pornography online.
Child pornography is one of the fastest growing businesses online, and the content is becoming much worse. In 2008, Internet Watch Foundation found 1,536 individual child abuse domains.
Worldwide pornography revenue in 2006 was $97.06 billion. Of that, approximately $13 billion was in the United States.
It breaks my heart. Sin is so ugly and dark and sometimes I think we forget that Satan is working hard to destroy lives... I am so thankful to God who is so much more powerful and loving and is bringing people to him everyday and breaking the chains of bondage to this sin.
If you or someone you know struggles with porn addiction or sex addiction, a good resource to check out is Setting Captives Free (http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/).