Monday, October 09, 2006

Singleness is bliss!

Why does everyone spend all of their singleness worrying about finding a mate? And then when they're married they wish they could have more independence like when they were single?
And the drama that boils like a storm cloud! It's pointless. God will bring who He sees fit. For now and singleness? Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. What inspired this comment pray tell?

    I totally agree with you though. There's too much DRAMA when a guy enters the picture!

    Thanks for being one of the few sane singles who's life goal is not soley to get a boyfriend/husband. There's too much fun to be had without worrying about something like that.

    Anyway, God's working on it so you don't have to. Who are we to stand in the way of His plans for us?!
