Thursday, May 24, 2007


Yes, I am not happy.

We found out a few days ago that we can only do temp work from an agency because of the nature of our visas. Fine. I've been avoiding them all my life, but Hamilton's not huge and we do need work.

We had our inverview today with the agency. It was a joint interview with Tiana and I. Not a good idea. That's like comparing two people.

And of course my resume holds artsy and creative as my strong points, with a bit of casual secretary work and retail thrown in. I tried to turn in a left-brained resume. I really did. It was very professional. It just was handed in to the wrong profession! Our interviewer glanced over it with a kind of "" attitude. She was friendly enough. Just not into the whole "art" thing. She said that maybe I would be good for an Advertisment company.

Could I just really stand up and say, "Look lady. I need money. I heard that yall might know how to get me some. Bills are due and I wanna have fun on my working holiday. Please, give me a job."

As we were taking various skills tests that I could care less about, and signing forms, forms, and more forms, I was thinking to myself, this is horrible!!! I just wanted to grab a simple job, retail or something, and enjoy New Zealand that way. But now, I have to think about temporary (thankfully temporary) work, 9-5, blah blah blah behind a desk, in front of a computer, typing number after number after number. Ugh!!!! I want out!!!!!

but i need a job. bills are due. very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    "Bear up braveheart, for you have faced much more dog days than this."

    - Homer's Odyssey

    It'll get better. I always told you you should try a temp agency for quick cash - I guess God agrees with me!
    - Yaya Ma
