Monday, November 19, 2007

Pumpkin Pie Anyone?

Whilst looking up a few recipies for Thanksgiving, my sis and I came across this little article about how some New Zealanders (affectionately known as Kiwi's) feel about Pumpkin Pie. Actually, I probably shouldn't generalize for the whole population, but the article generalizes for Americans so we're even. Read on.

Got Pie?
August 08, 2007 15:02

"Pumpkin pie is a mysterious entity. Celebrated in the states, here pumpkin pie is ignored by both Alison Holst and the Edmonds cookbook – clearly, it is a long way from threatening the pavlova as a kiwi staple. Who would make a sweet pie out of a vegetable anyway? Of course, pumpkin is technically a fruit, so maybe the yanks are right to bake it with a Belgium biscuit type spice combo and serve with cream. The problem with trying to make such an American classic though, is that Americans define ‘home baking’ a little differently from us. If you look up pumpkin pie recipes on the net, they often start with a can of pumpkin purée, to which you add a packet of pumpkin pie spice, then bake in a shell of ready-rolled short pastry. This version is from scratch, and you should be able to make it without buying any special ingredients."

Ha ha. Well, not "all Americans" define the can as making a pumpkin pie "from scratch". No one really wants to smash up a pumpkin unless we have to. But the can is easier if you want a fresh taste without the mess, so, yeah. I laughed.

A lot.

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